
Welcome! I am happy to share inspiration and encouragement to help you to create good habits to help your body and faith grow to stronger.

  • Woman looking into a mirror that she is holding in her hands


    Discover your true identity and improve your spiritual health by seeing yourself through God’s eyes.

    Sherry Poundstone

    July 25, 2023
    3 minutes
  • graphic of a brain with circuits around it

    Gut Health and Brain Fog

    Research shows that the source of many illnesses and conditions is connected to how healthy our gut is,…

    Sherry Poundstone

    June 27, 2023
    3 minutes
  • Hole in a piece of paper revealing the words 'root cause'.

    Get to the Root

    Addressing the ROOT CAUSE of health issues, often related to blood sugar, inflammation or gut health, is more…

    Sherry Poundstone

    June 23, 2023
    1 minutes
  • Person standing on a scale with a display that reads "Help!"

    Just Keep Swimming

    Weight-loss plateaus can be super frustrating. For me, consistency and persistence were key.

    Sherry Poundstone

    June 23, 2023
    1 minutes
  • Picture representing intestinal lining and microbiome.

    Leaky What?

    Ever heard of leaky gut? Leaky gut syndrome is a digestive condition where the intestinal lining allows bacteria…

    Sherry Poundstone

    June 22, 2023
    2 minutes